MTU = 1472 MTU is not fully optimized for broadband. Consider increasing your MTU to 1500 for better throughput. If you are using a router, it could be limiting your MTU regardless of Registry settings. MSS = 1432 Maximum useful data in each packet = 1432, which equals MSS. Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) = 257760

Feb 17, 2008 · Okay guys, I have a question but first lets go over a few things. I know that an MTU of 1492 is standard for a connection over PPPoE. I have an ADSL connection over PPPoE and my bandwidth is 6Mbps/512Kbps. I have been playing with the command console in XP lately and its has mostly involved the Oct 25, 2010 · Normally i wouldn't alter the MTU, this is purely to try and fix an issue i've got with Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2007 over a VPN. When pinging with -f -l 1472 it comes back needs to be defragmented, all the way until 1410 when it replies fine. The MTU of an Ethernet is normally 1500 bytes (the maximum Ethernet packet size is 1518, which includes 14 bytes of header, 1500 bytes of payload, and 4 bytes of FCS). An IPv4 header is 20 bytes if it has no options, and a UDP header is 8 bytes, so the maximum UDP payload size is 1500-28 = 1472. MTU size of the host handling the PDU (most of the case it will be 1500) - size of the IP header (20 bytes) - size of UDP header (8 bytes) 1500 MTU - 20 IP hdr - 8 UDP hdr = 1472 bytes @EJP talked about 534 bytes but I would fix it to 508. May 17, 2010 · Reducing the MTU allows the origin (your PS4) to take responsibility for slicing the data. This might avoid certain network problems. I say that 1473 is almost a magic number because the header size for a datagram is 28 bytes. So, if your MTU is 1500 (normal) then the maximum payload is 1472 (a datagram is payload plus header, so 1472 + 28

Important Note: MTU must be 1492 (or lower) when using PPPoE connectivity. More detailed information about the effects of MTU can be found here. Important Notes: •Due to additional complications, VPNs require a different type of MTU test. Please refer to the end of this article.

Pinging with a size of 1472 and the do-not-fragment on the Juniper side will verify that the path from source to destination has an MTU of 1500 bytes (1472 payload + 8 ICMP header + 20 bytes IP header).

Tests show that one site can get to the web without fragmenting at 1472 (MTU 1500, with the IP header). But getting to the other VPN site, they fragment anything larger than 1406 (MTU 1434, with the IP header). See ping results below. Q1. If I follow the logic correctly, I should set the MTU on both sides to 1434, right?

Its a very good Article, I have a small doubt about Juniper MTU. I see when I ping from one of my juniper router with MTU 1472 Bytes, it sends 1480 bytes instead of 1500 bytes, can you please help me understanding it. Note : the actual MTU on gig interface is 1518 bytes. [email protected]> show interfaces xe-2/0/5 | find MTU NOTE: Since you got a reply, take 1472 and add 28 to it for you to get the correct MTU size. In the example given above, 1472 is the proper value and the size would be 1500 for the network you’re working with. Setting up the correct MTU size. After getting the correct MTU size, do the following: Step 1: Important Note: MTU must be 1492 (or lower) when using PPPoE connectivity. More detailed information about the effects of MTU can be found here. Important Notes: •Due to additional complications, VPNs require a different type of MTU test. Please refer to the end of this article. Apr 11, 2017 · I tried changing the MTU on the router down to 1480, then 1470, and even down to 1450, but no change on my network. From a MTU tuning perspective, MTU size should only be adjusted at the end points, the router should have a MTU of 1500 (or 1472) for IPv4. Your Xbox should be no more than 1470 based on your ping test.